I had a reading with Stephen 11 years ago. I just finished listening to the tape of that session and thought it would be interesting to see how much, if any of his predictions came true. He predicted at that time that I would have a baby in August. Prior to that my husband and I had been trying for 3 and a half years with no luck. Well, as he predicted, I had my baby girl (he predicted a girl too!) on August 4, 1998. He also predicted that we would buy a house with a checkerboard garage door. I never told my husband about the reading since at the time he was very opposed to psychics. One day he called me up to say that the broker who was looking for a house for us thought he had someone that we should see. When we got there, we entered the front door. We loved it. It was perfect. It had a two-car garage that faced the side of the house. It wasn?t until we made the offer and went outside that I noticed the garage door on the side of the house. It had been painted in a black and white checkerboard design, just like Stephen saw. I could go on and on with details of his accuracy in my reading. The job changes that he predicted both for me and my husband all came to pass as he said. Was it worth the money at the time? After listening to the tape, I would say yes. I?ve decided to give him a call for another reading.
Pros: I still amazed at how accurate Stephen's reading was
Cons: He's gone up in price, but that's to be expected with his talent