umm well the wait staff stinks!!! the numerous times i have been there, different waitress have made it more of a chore to check up on me rather then have it as a priority. when they come by to check up on you they look unhappy and make it more of a pit stop then to really find out how things are really going. although the food is great the waitstaff makes the experience unenjoyable. i had to come up to the counter and ask the young lady behide the counter to stop what she was doing inorder to statisfy me beacuse of the lack of service. now with the people behide the counter they look to unhappy and yes it is a family restaurant however the excess yelling is ridiculous. Smile people its not going to hurt you. now with the young girl behide the counter is doing a great job but looks a little flustered beacuse ive seen numerous times everyones problems being dumped on her. whether its is coustomers or the witstaff or the others working. the pizza man is also doing a good job because it is not his fault either that the waitstaff creates an unpleasant enviornment plus he makes a killer large pepporioni pizza!!\r
all in all the food is great but with how terrible the waitstaff is i dont think that i will be coming back untill they address their waitstaff.
Pros: great food
Cons: waitstaff needs to go