I went to heavenly hair because i seen there reviews of here. I went to Marisa for a foil, and she was fantastic, i told her i wanted something different. i wanted foils with 2 diff. colors & i wanted them to stand out, and i wanted a new cut too...Her cut my hair, it looks amazing!!! While i was waiting with the foils in, i got a full set by andrea, they look so good she did it all BY HAND..ive had them done by hand before, and they didnt come out the best...but andrea's look fantastic, they look so natural. While i was geting them done Marisa didnt forget about me she kept poppin in to check on my hair!!!! \r
i told everyone i know about heavenly hair, i was so impressed!!! aother plus+everyone there is so nice too!!!!
Cons: location, its not directly on main st.