I?m 53 and I began smoking at 18. At two packs of cigarettes a day, I was still in ?denial? about so many habits I had subconsciously acquired and stored? perhaps deeming them as safety nets to my survival. I?m certain I carried with me a hidden denial that I didn?t think anything would ever work that would lead to putting down my cigarettes?even though I knew I desperately wanted to stop smoking?I didn?t want to risk taking another opportunity only to fail again. Coupled with everything else, I was a closet smoker driven undercover by social pressures and the embarrassment that my smoking was out of control. The many methods I had used before to stop smoking only reiterated my guilt and the numerous attempts just seemed to be nothing less than a perpetual maze leading to smoking more cigarettes and hiding even deeper ?down under? in my life! Working with Dale was like peeling outer layers from a banana and finding a hidden treasure (ME) that was there all of my life! I sort of believe we all have those hidden treasures; we need merely to find and believe in the power and magnitude of our own mind and our will! If you?re one that can identify with me but has a fear of failure (again and again)?please trust me when I say that I had NO withdrawal anxieties! Dale introduces processes that help and enhance your hypnosis results and he provides the tools that you can use anytime and anywhere! The greatest and most rewarding surprise is that these tools and the hypnosis sessions helped to clear so many other obstacles I had discovered were stored right along with the smoking habits! My creativity is enhanced and I?m living a life that completely surprises me with pleasure and delight! If you think you?ve tried it all?go one more step and please make that call that will surely change your life!