I have been an athlete all my life and would most recently consider myself a runner and triathlete. I have dealt with injuries and muscle pain and like most, have tried to always push through it, but sometimes that is not possible. I have seen numerous massage therapists and Davede is by far the best I have ever seen. He made it possible for me to run my first marathon last year. My IT bands would never had held up without him! I also suffer from chronic migraines due to muscle tension which is triggered by all the exercise I do. It is much more efficient to have Davede work on the source of the pain and relax the muscles rather than put a bandaid on it and take a pill everytime a migraine comes on. Davede does area specific massages which, as previously mentioned, allows him to spend adequate time on the source of the pain and try to eliminate it so you can get to the point where you come see him for maintenance purposes. It is so great to know you have someone to count on who will allow you to continue doing the things you enjoy doing. I have and will continue to recommend him to everyone!