I went to this bar to have a couple of drinks, and at the bar met someone and started chating with this guy about a particular subject because the band had quit for the night (12:30 am). While we were talking the bartender interrupted our conversation with a solution that I did not particularly want to listen to, and I said "OK" and dismissed it and kept talking to my new friend, then the female bartender kept talking about how I was wrong and suggested I am stupid. I then said "Oh well, I'll just be Ok.". That's when one of the employees of this bar was all of a sudden sitting next to us and said an aggressive counter to the conversation. And I said "who cares" and the employee said "Well I'll just kick your butt right now!" My friend then said it's Ok, we don't need any of that." We just left. If this bar is offering counseling sessions from it's employees, or you want to get your butt kicked for talking to someone and expecting the employees to do thier job plus get into your personal conversation, then this is the bar you want to go to.