It was my first massage I have a very stressful job, my Mother is already a client and have witnessed my stress level at work many times, she has also encourage me to get a massage I should have gone long before I did, especially since she was paying I might add. Last week I woke up with a pain in my left shoulder that brought tears to my eyes when I lifted the arm. I called for that appointment that fit my schedule perfectly. The pain is gone and I look so forward to the next massage. I told my girlfriend how much I enjoyed it and how relaxed I am she's going tomorrow.
Thank you so very much Ray I'll see you on Jan. 17th the day before my 50th birthday.
Margaret Smith
Thank you so very much for your follow up calls, that means so much to me and my Mother as well . My girlfriend had an awesome experience as well. My Mother doesn't have a computer but I can honestly speak for her she obviously loves her experiences she comes on ce a month that speaks volume. I'll see you at 2:00 P.M. on Jan. 17, 2009 if the good Lord says the same.
You and your family be blessed and happy Holidays!!
Margaret Eubanks Smith
Pros: Awesome Stress Releif
Cons: None