Just read the ""foxsucks"" review and I find it difficult to believe that this person does not give his/her name. Anyone can go online and say whatever they want if they remain anonymous, but if they were to put their name to it, they would have to realize that if the statements they made were exaggerated or untrue, they are legally liable and could be sued for slander. I say to ""foxsucks"" to put your name out there and take the consequences. By the way, maybe I could slander the character and good name of foxsucks but remain anonymous. Why, how about I say that ""foxsucks"" is cheating on his/her spouse or stealing from his/her boss, or some such other legally liabelous thing?? I mean, after all, it is the internet and we can say whatever we want to, whether true or not, with no fear of retribution so long as we remain anonymous and use some pseudonym such as ""foxsucks."" Please note that I use my name because I am not afraid to own up to what I say and do. One final thing: Just for the record, if any company--Fox Fence Company included--were as bad as foxsucks says it is, it would no longer be in business. Think about that. Too bad there is not enough space to write all the wonderful things I've heard about Fox Fence. Look for their signs and notice the fences on which they are posted. Fox Fence is a well respected business with a very good record of customer satisfaction. Please do your research and don't base your decision on the one other review on here that the person did not even have the guts to put his/her name to. Thanks!