This vet clinic proves time and time again they are more concerened about making big money then they are actually caring about the animals that they see. A while back I brought my cat to see one of the vets there and turned out my cat had to stay for about 3 days in the hospital. When they called me to pick up my cat, I was told to pay an ex amount of money to pick up my cat. I never thought anything about it. Paid my bill and grabbed my cat and we went home. Well, 30 days letter I get a bill in the mail from Atascazoo animal hospital stating I owe them another 350.00!!! Well, to be quite I honest I was very upset natually so I called down there to see what the deal was and I was told their employee "" made a mistake"" when checking me out and didn't charge me the right amount. I refused to pay any more money and after a short time later, they actually had the nerve to serve me a law suit!! These people are crooks people be very aware of this outfit!! STAY AWAY!!
Cons: All about the money..No care whatsoever..