Critter Fixer Pet Hospital is the best place to take your pets, hands down.this particular website does not allow the ability to respond directly to other peoples' comments, so I will do so in my own review.\r
Anna -- Dr. Rogers may not be the best "people person", but that's why he's a veterinarian. Not an MD. You think he ENJOYS sticking his finger down your dog's throat and smelling it? I think its pretty awesome that he had that level of dedication to your pet.\r
Joel -- the "high school students" you referred to are not the people who GAVE your pet vaccines, they simply wrote down your information on the vaccine forms. Don't be silly :-) How long after the first seizure did you wait before you decided to take her into the vet? weeks as you report... Secondly, brain tumors can only be diagnosed definitively by an MRI. The closest MRI to Spring is at Texas A&M. Brown discharge from your dog's nipples does NOT mean breast cancer. It could either be normal early lactating, or an infecti