I don't know that you could possibly be more ignorant regarding dining out. It is not the servers job to bring the food to you. They have expediters hired specifically for that. And in any case, why is it important WHO brings your food to you, as long as you get it? Red robin is an awesome place to eat, and the staff is always AMAZING. If you don't tell a server that anything is wrong with their food, there's nothing they can do to fix it for you. They don't make the food, and they don't take bites of it to ""quality check"" it it before it hits your table. You deserved that nasty burger. You can send food back without causing a scene! So nut up, support your community, and don't ever threaten to stiff a server just because you decided not to have a good time.
Pros: Awesome staff and food
Cons: ignorant diners.