As good as Video Strip may's gotten kind of bad lately. I will be straight about it, here are the things that could make it better and the things that make it bad: Employee and owner are unpleasant, rude at times, sloppy...customer service makeover please. I think a Video store should be exciting, have a pick of the week by random people. that rug has to go it's dated its dirty...Get Rid Of It!!! the dogs c'mon they do not belong in the store. Video Strip has two awesome windows (sorry your dog died) but could have some real cool displays. Last but not least the SMELL is so bad I hate to go in and sometimes lately I won't. WTF!! I'm sure us the customers could give you some awesome ideas and maybe help. You need to fix all that first. Also your dvds are always dirty clean that S!@*
Pros: tons of movies
Cons: dvd are always dirty and sctratched: it smells horrible