My son cannot walk, talk, crawl or sit because of Kelli Johnson's botched midwifery attempt and had the paramedics not arrived so quickly he would most certainly have died. I pushed for 5 hours and she failed to identify that there was a problem, a serious problem, the cord was wrapped tightly round my son's neck twice. He came out blue, lifeless and silent with his head lolling backwards - Kelli Johnson unraveled the cord, scooped him up and handed him to me. My husband and I (who have no medical training) yelled at her immediately that he was dead. After gently rubbing him and calling out his name several times, which took a long and wasted minute - he had no heart-rate and wasn't breathing so her technique had absolutely no chance of working - she then began CPR. Her only resuscitation equipment was an oxygen cannister with a tube attached which she waved in front of my son's face (the paramedics made a point of citing her dismal equipment in their written report.) We watched with growing horror as the realization dawned on us that she was never going to be able to revive him with her inadequate equipment. Mercifully the paramedics arrived in time to save our son but he has been left with catastrophic disabilities. Kelli Johnson then purposely and deliberately choose to alter her records, make false statements and handed over 5 forms that she claimed I signed - my signature was forged on every form. She blames everyone except herself (including the paramedics) for my son's injuries and clearly believes that her deceit is a necessary and worthwhile sacrifice to try and eliminate any chance of my son receiving an insurance settlement. Thankfully she was as good at that as she is at midwifery and ultimately the truth did prevail however it has left me devastated that someone in a caring profession could be so disingenuous. We could have eventually come to terms with the horrific injuries she caused, but not her concerted and deliberate efforts to get out of trouble.