I've always been going to the tire shop right down my street. Until I found these guys on craigslist. Man, there prices are unbeatable. Called in to see if they had my tires in stock and bussiness hours. Amazingly they had my sizes (staggered) in stock. Down side, they close at 6pm and I don't get off work till 5:30. Asked them if they were willing to stay open a little bit later so that I could make it there. Guy agreed. Got there at 6:05 and their mechanics went right to work, while one of the guys walked me around the warehouse and showed me a few options to choose from. Great selection, they have all the brands you could imagine. Before I knew it, I was good to go. Most importantly, FAST & FRIENDLY service. Highly recommended. And thanks again for staying after hours.
Pros: Very friendly people. Great prices.
Cons: None, can't think of any.