Douglas Properties and the HOA that governs The Glen at Kingsgate are truly the most incompetent group of people I have come across. Initially , I felt the actions of some that lived in the community as well as those that governed the board were innocent actions. But, I came to realize relatively quickly that there are people that live in the community whom are considered, in their minds, ""privileged"" and able to say and do what ever they please. They are encouraged by the HOA and Douglas Properties to not only harass ""certain"" neighbors, but they are also encouraged to send frivolous letters to home owners over literally petty concerns. It is also apparent that a few of the homeowners are jealous of ""certain owners"" in the community and have made it known via the above mentioned over the years. It should be stated that if you work hard and have attained in life a good career, then perhaps you would not have time to ponder over what others have. Perhaps instead you would focus more on your daily activities. Therefore, as a member of the board or a past member of the HOA, it should be your duty to act more like human beings versus acting like someone who has never had the responsibility of serving on a board. If you acted more like intelligent human beings versus animals, maybe you would not have such a narrow one-sided view and continue to show favoritism to some in the community versus being fair to ALL in the community.