Do not take your car to Chester Dorsey! What he offers is low quality work at a high price. If I am going to pay $400.00 for a full detail I expect my car to look perfect. When I arrived to pick my Mercedes up there was Chester's employee's just standing around. They looked like they just got out of prison. They started asking me personal questions like how can you afford a car like that? What do you do for a living? Where do you live? I thought I was going to be robbed! It turns out I was. They had stolen some change out of my car and a few bills. I am surprised they didn't show up at my house and rob me at gun point. My registration was in my glove box. I think they might of took that too. My address was on there. This was the worst experience I have ever had. Can you imagine? You take your car in for service and end up paying $400.00 for a basic car wash and then getting robbed and second time! Chester know's nothing about detailing cars or running a business for that matter. He should be put in jail for at least 2 life terms. He is a professional alright. A professional scam artist. You have been warned! Do not take your car to Chester Dorsey!