This is in response to the 8/08 review from a disgruntled visitor to St. Isabel parish. Perhaps if the visitor had been involved in the worship service and participating fully, he or she would have gained far more from the experience and it would have been positive. The parishoners of St. Isabel have been noted for their friendliness to visitors, be they single persons or families. We do have a cry room designated for children that may be disturbing the worship of others. Considerate parents will use this space as needed and not feel unwelcome. St. Isabel has been my spiritual home for years and we have had a number of priests serve here. Father Christopher has been one of the warmest, friendliest pastors in our history. His homilies are relative to both the Bible and our daily lives. Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder and it appears that reviewer was seeking something else.
Pros: Beautiful setting invites spirtual contemplation, outstanding sermons
Cons: Sometimes very crowed over holidays