These women are insanely strong. Don't let their sweet demeanors fool you either, because once they're in that massage stall kneading every one of your knots you'll cry out for your moma...which I almost did since she was right in the next stall. This was probably the most intense massage session I ever had. I have to admit that I don't really get massages very often, mostly b/c I don't really like strange people touching me. So whenever I have gotten one, it's at the behest of my mother who really loves them. And since it was her birthday today, and I really love her, I treated us to a hour-long foot massage at $30 a pop. My body winces to think what the massage would have been like if I requested the "hard" masssage as opposed to the "medium" version. I asked Vanessa, my masseuse to soften it up a bit and she told me that I had a lot of tightness in my shoulders and neck and that I probably sit at the computer working too much- okay so the women is strong and smart. I know there are some people who really love an intense, hard massage, and if you are one of them then this place is for you. I'd recommend this place for those of you looking for a reasonably priced massage in a relatively comfortable and clean place. It's no high end spa or anything, but you definitely get your money's worth.
Pros: Price, Ambience
Cons: Foot Massage upstairs