I moved here in Feb 2007 and brought my 4 children in for well checks. I hand delivered all their medical records before our vist. When we arrived for their well check they had lost two of the children's records. They told me it was my responsibility to get records from the old dr. (they can do it for free but refused to do it) For me to do it, it would cost me $25 a piece. In the past two years, I have never been able to see the same dr. twice. I liked several of the Drs. but they didn't know me or my children and had not read our charts. Every time I went in I had to explain my chronically ill child's medical history. One of the doctors I did talk to on more than one occasion seeemed very ill-informed and recommended a test at a lab that can only be performed when admitted to a hospital. I had to do the footwork to figure out how to get the test done with no help from the pediatricians office. I ended up having to get a specialist we see at Children's Hospital get it set up and they