I had a hedgehog that was a few months old...He started to not eat or drink. This is when i made an appoitment and i told them all the problems i was have, which to me were quite serious, and all they could get me in for was a week later at 2:00. I am only 15 so of course i depend on other people driving me. So i said i think he needs to be seen asap, but they told me if he was really sick i could take him to Abington VA. Six hours away from where i lived. I could not get a ride there. He seemed to be getting better until the night before his appt. The symptons got worse and the airport vet didn't know anything about hedgehogs. So i watched him die. Cold to the touch, wobling, shaking, and foaming at the mouth for about an hour or less. I called to cancel the appt. and all they said was we will cancel that for you and the lady hung up. No sorry or anything. Never take a small exotic or probably any animal here