The Big C tried to update their facility to mixed results. Posting possibly a hundred "no cell phones" signs throughout the club as well as other new "rules" didn't go over well with the members. Their new strict school prinicipal policy certainly didn't make established members very happy as they witnessed the club they held close for so many years begin to lose the one thing that seperated it from other fitness clubs: attentiveness to members needs and happiness.\r
The last month has seen a more relaxed atmosphere and the Big C seems to be getting back its legs. The main issue, however, isn't neccessarily the facility, which is one of the cleanest in the bay area and, for the most part, well run. It's not even the price which can be high for some, but runs equal to Club Sports in the area. The main issue seems to be the members themselves. The Big C has failed to lure in younger members over the years and, as a result, the club is primarily made up of senior citizens with a