I - along with 42 million others - am very sensitive to gasoline (petrol) based fragrances and products. Unfortunately (even the most expensive) almost ALL of our commercial fragrances, shampoos, lotions, conditioners and all sorts of hair products contain 96% petrol-chemicals - enough to kill a horse after years of use! - I booked an appointment with Taylor-Jameson because of the reviews. On arrival I smelled fragrance and sat down - fully expecting to be overwhelmed by the usual headaches, nausea and bone aches. - Well surprise. After around 15 minutes of not becoming ill I just had to ask WHY I wasn't getting sick. - I was then thoroughly briefed as to how Taylor Jameson is very unlike other salons. They research and find product without dangerous petrol chemicals. Sheer Genius. What a novel approach - first doeth no harm to customers and/or employees! Their products are botanical based (plants) rather than motor oil based. What a difference intelligence makes! My other delight was