I am of mixed race, therefore considered of the black race. My skin is not very dark but has a deep bronze tan color and therefore not considered white. My daughter however has a dark brown color to her skin. I am describing these two skin colors so you will understand the effects when the wrong equipment technique of laser is used on these diverse colors of black skin. My daughter and I had been interested in the laser hair removal for a couple of years and had visited a few places. These were too expensive for us so we had just about given up and then we happened on a too good to be true Internet ad. The prices were just right and it all seemed very convenient. This was a big, big mistake. I thought that they would have all the equipment there, they did not. The equipment used was a table top outdated rig. The person who did the therapy only had 24 hours of training and she was filling in for someone else. We both suffered 1st and 2nd degree burns. My daughters burns were worse. She had blisters up and down her legs and she still has scars today that I am not sure if they will ever fade.\r
My wish is not to discourage you, but to advise you to seek only professionals for these treatments. I was very lucky to find Doctors Medical Center in duluth where they have the most up to date equipment which does not target pigmentation (so it will not burn dark skin) but red hair follicles and includes a cooling mechanism to eliminate the chances of getting burnt. My daughter and I are into our third treatments and have experienced only the best of service there.\r
Pros: Up to date equipment