The cable channel lineup being offered is poor. They do not ask for customer feedback on which channels customers would prefer. Nor do they give a reaseon, at all, whether a channel will or will not be added. They explain that customers need to go to their respective offices to inquire about adding a channel. And they can not add a channel every time someone asks for one, they require that many people would have to request the channel. I have been a resident for more than 3 years, and the 1 channel I have requested, VS (Versus - a hockey channel), every year has not been added, and without a reason why. In my humble opinion, we have way too many movie channels (7 HBO, 1 STARZ, Hallmark, AMC, and TCM). I am asking for 1 hockey channel to go with a golf channel, a soccer channel, the NFL channel, and 4 ESPNs, which report the games only. \r
Do we need a CMT channel and a GAC, both play the same country music lineups? And why is there a gameshow channel? Most of the programs are from back in the day, we don't need to know who won the $25000 Pyramid from 1977. Just to give more channels, we have 1 Cartoon network, 2 Disney, and 2 Nickelodoen channels. Are all of these necessary? Do they accurately represent the demographic and interests of the customers? \r
Now, I know this is my opinion, so I am not callous in understanding that children are entertained by the cartoon programming, which helps the parents. But, I only ask that additional actions, a questionaire perhaps, be entertained by the management to fully understand or inquire about the channel lineup its' customers are subscribing to. Does addding a channel to a lineup require that much more work? Please help me to understand. Alternatively, why can't a DirecTV system be implemented - several dishes be placed on each housing structure and each customer will rent a box - for the same price which the customers are paying now?
Pros: Nice neighborhood
Cons: Policies