awesome awesome awesome!!!!\r
this is not just a gym, or a really great workout. (though yes, it's both) it's not just some place where you will learn to teach your body to do things that defy every limitation that you had ever put on it... (because yes, it will do that too...) smith tae kwon do is a family. he loves his students as if they were his children. he's involved in their lives, the kids worship him, he instills family values and good old fashioned respect for parents and the community. he's strict and he sure can work you hard... so hard your legs might feel like they're on fire for weeks after a real good night of kicking... but he's strict because he sees who you are and what you see yourself as... then he looks past it and sees who you could be and who you should be.\r
if you trust him, he (and master rocha) will turn you into the kind of person that you've always wanted to become... and in the end... when you look at yourself and what you've accomplished you'll realize that along the way you've gained something more then just physical fitness and self defense skills. \r
definitely... do not take these ratings as law when it comes to smith tae kwon do... (as awesome as my review is... it's MY review)... the best thing about smith, is that everyone is invited to come down and try it for yourself. call them, walk in... talk to them... i guarantee that after a few nights you'll never want to leave.
Pros: great environment, strict but effective and sincere, excellent work out, wonderful instructors AND fellow students
Cons: it's only open five days a week. :)