After the failure of my external hard drive which contained around 80 gb of essential business data, I feared that my business was going to go under. You were recommended to me by another Data Recovery company who were out of my price range. \r
I must say that I'm so grateful for that recommendation and so glad that I acted upon it. Your service was extremely competitively priced, speedy and professional. It wasn't expected that 'going the extra mile' was part of the service - never mind that you went much further than that. I thank you for being so flexible in your approach, for recovering my most urgent files first and for always being available and ready to help at a moment's notice. Even now, weeks after the job has been completed I know that I can ring for advice. It was good throughout that I was able to communicate personally with the person who did the work and it's good now that I can say personally, ""thank you for saving my business"". \r
Pros: Service was extremely competitively priced, speedy and professional