Dr. Mech himself is an excellent clinician. He has been on the nose with several diagnosis but I would have to say that he is either clueless about his staff or they have totally sheltered him from knowing what his staff are doing. Or even worse, he does know and doesn't care. It is very rare that a live person ever answers any of their lines regardless of who or why you are calling. I had a recent appointment to discuss test results and waited 2 hours to then be told he had left and there wasn't an assistant who could. The scary results are that you do get placed on meds without refills and it becomes extremely difficult to do so. Our local pharmacist has told me that I should get another doctor because of so much time waster with them calling, me calling, my husband calling and they go round and round. But again, I will say that his recognizing some symptoms and ordering the appropriate meds for physical issues, saved my life. Its his staff's actions that could harm someone.