I'm in the downtown LA extreme boot camp, and it is a great program if you want to get into shape. In the first six weeks boot camp, I lost a little more than 10 pounds and shaved 3 1/2 minutes off my time for the mile run. I feel so much better and healthier that I decided to take a second six weeks boot camp. I did pilates and yoga for a couple months before doing the boot camp, and I think that definitely made the boot camp easier for me. But some people come with no physical fitness training and they still get good results. In my opinion, this is THE program to do if you are serious about losing a lot of weight and seeing major improvements in your health. The only thing is - you have to be motivated enough to show up and eat the diet they suggest. It's not easy, but it is rewarding if you can stick to it.
Pros: If you stick with the program, you will see results!
Cons: It's a really tough workout, particularly in the beginning!