What a store! They had everything I was looking for. Adirondack chairs, create a chair with upholstered seats and create a table with leg options or butterfly extension leaves, english dovetail drawer glides for their dressers and lingerie chests, any style/size bookcases, t.v stands, knotty pine pantry/cabinets, china buffet/hutches, and the list goes on!! Nowadays, furniture companies try everyway to cut costs by using junk laminates, particle board, and thin slices of veneers. If you go to a place like Art Van, for example, they have a seperate department to handle customer complaints and issues with quality and craftsmanship. This furniture store keeps the tradition alive with real wood products. If you shop for furniture, then this place will be worth the trip.
Pros: selection/variety/ great customer service
Cons: far drive