Below is the letter I wrote to Brides and Beaux: Hi Patti, ...Today we were concerned by your lack of information. Regarding the seamstress pricing... you are the first store (out of six) that has not at least provided contact information for or given some semblance of a pricing list. When I asked you if you had a catalogue, you referred me to your website and did not offer me one of the catalogues that were sitting on a display at the front door as we left. Towards the end of our visit, we needed the dresses brought to the front from the dressing room, when no action to do so was made by you, my Maid of Honor offered to go and retrieve them. You should have told her, "No". That is your job and you or someone that you pay should have retrieved them, not someone that is paying you. We were ready to purchase these dresses today, however, I am more concerned with the treatment I receive over the cost of the dresses. What I experienced today made me never want to come into your store nor r