We have found Adobe Animal Hospital to be a really great vet clinic. The staff is always caring and considerate to our needs and the vets are extremely knowledgable, but they are also willing to recommend a specialist if the case requires it. Our vet also considers us and our pets as individuals and consistently gives us the best advice based on our individual situation. I really appreciate that. They also do their best to give us the most up to date information, which again I truly apprceciate. \r
For example, we have a dog who has hypolipdemia that manifested itself in her eyes. Our vet at Adobe referred us to a wonderful eye specialist to help us.\r
Our cat has a rare form of cancer, which required a very extensive surgery. Our vet did a really great job, called us at home to check on our cat's recovery and then recommended a holistic oncologist based on our wishes. It's that kind of service that you just don't find anywhere. \r
I do recommend Adobe and our vets whenever I know