Unbelievable Bouquet's Custom Created for you when you call or stop by. This little jewel has the most amazing flowers I have ever seen at a florist not only for the color array but the freshness. Each bouquet is created with patience and love. You can choose your flowers and colors or let them make something amazing for a set price. Whether they create a tiny $15 bouquet or design the flowers for your entire function they are sure to be fresh vibrant and lovely. They will work with you to create just the look you are looking for and do not have minimums dollar amounts when working on weddings or other events. For the freshness and the love they put into their bouquets they are very reasonable compared to other florists. They do deliver and allow standing orders or walk ins. They will even allow you in the flower coolers to pick your colors and flowers yourself. They have a lovely assortment of Orchids and other potted plants for your own garden or to give as a gift. Whether you want t