I used this company per my insurance for a windshield replacement. They were a week late to show up. I called and they kept saying we were to busy but will be there tom. everyday for a week. When they did come in and put it in within a week it cracked. I called but for three days they were to busy to look at it. Finally they sent their secretary to look at it on the fourth day. She said that it has rock chips in the glass but the glass is pulling apart. The crack is so wide you can stick the end of your finger in it. They called my insurance company and said their "tech" found rock chips not a stress crack. How many rock chips separate a 1/4 inch and who considers the office help a tech????? This company is not one you want to use. When I paid them I didn't even get a copy of the bill I got a sheet of paper with my name and their name on it with the total amount on the bottom. Nothing was listed an neither were prices just pay this amount on the bottom.