I purchase a dog from Laughlin Kennel about 3 months ago. Prefect doesn't even begin to describe her! We took her to the vet a few days after we bought her. Our vet said she was healthy with no signs of illnesses and a beautiful representation of the breed. The staff was young, yet very knowledgeable. Apparently, many of them had grown up learning by volunteering at the kennel. I was very impressed by them. The health guarantee is fair and responsible and a contract is signed when a puppy is purchased to ensure your rights (am sure theirs as well.) I found this very helpful since it was clear what my options were had we encountered a problem with the puppy. The place was relatively clean and the animals looked well cared for. At first I was alittle apprehensive about not being allowed down to were the puppies are kept. But the staff explained humans bring in diseases and often cause great stress to the animals. Due to the many people who seem to come into this business everyday, it made prefect sense. Also, they insured me the state inspects them regularly as well as the MSPCA. I would recommend this place to anyone looking for a puppy. It seems like a nice family own business and a great way to find the pet of your dreams.
Pros: Selection Staff Website!
Cons: Busy!