was a former student at Dance productions for 5 years, and I left very dissapointed. I felt like I was never in the right class. I was always with a much younger group of people who were not even close to my age. I never had the opportunity to advance. Also, if you were not lucky enough to be one of the favored ""Competition Team"" members, it seemed as if no one really ever cared about you. These people were really great dancers, but never once did I get the chance to be part of that experience. For example, only the ""Competition Team"" members got to participate in a mini production in the recital. Because I was not one of those lucky people, a friend and I had to wait in the dressing room for about and hour and a half waiting for the mini production to end. And let me tell you was I Bored!! I also felt very left out, like I was not part of the studio anymore. I am a person who truly loves to dance, and this studio brought my self-esteem down. If you think you could participate in a another activity along with dance you are wrong! Once I realized this, I made the decision to finally leave. I am now enrolled in a less competitive dance studio, and am given oppurtunities that I never had before. This new studio I am at, has put the enjoyment back into dance. Now that look back, I know I made the right decison.\r