My children have not been asoociated with BCSPA as long as some of the reviewers but I have found BCSPA and Charleston Flyers Gymnastics to be a wonderful place. My children are learning something that will last them a lifetime. They can't wait to get there in the afternoons. The staff at BCSPAs is absolutely professional - especially Ms. Darlene. Her resume alone would be reason to allow my children to train under her but she employs a staff with noteworthy credentials in their own right. Darlene is professional and courteous to me and my children. She is firm in her teaching but it is obvious that her interest is in making her students the best dancers and gymnists they can be. She added a highly qualified gymnastics coach last summer to add to her already qualified staff. The best part about Darlene, for us anyway, has been her willingness to work with us on our tuition payments and even recital/costume fees. We faced some difficult circumstances and discussed the situation privately with Darlene. She worked with us allowing us to get our feet back on the ground and my children did not miss one lesson or event because of our delinquency. She was understanding and professional until we caught up our account. As for the recital, I am not sure what some of the parents saw that wrote earlier reviews. I thought that both of the recitals I've been to were just very well run. Rehearsal was hectic trying to bring together two studios (Darlene owns a second studio - WASPA). There must be more than a hundred students from both of her studios from baby's to teenagers coming together to perform probably thirty different numbers. Some stress is to be expected but Darlene manages the chaos and brings together a wonderful event the following evening at the recital. Coincidently, Darlene also puts on a super Christmas recital ""The Christmas Toy Box."" Darlene is a highly qualified professional and her studios reflect that! I highly recommend her and her studios!!
Pros: Customer Service; Professionalism; Qualifications; Staff; Recitals; Gymnastics
Cons: Some parents act worse than their children