You see the parking and the children are not the problem as much as the individuals who live here who don't respect themselves or where they live enough to treat it with respect. Those who run in crowds who bring bad elements back here ie; dealers,loud music, drinking to essessive intoxication. And we as tenant who are aware of these behaviors and look out for it , try to avoid it and look the other way. WE HAVE TO STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT AND GOOD, and push out the bad so we can have some peace of mind and beable to sleep at night. If I wanted to live in a GETTO I would have moved into one. WE MUST UNITE and GET INTO ACTION. The fire we had was caused by those who lived in the apt not from an out sider non the less it doesnt belong here. THOSE who think it is CAN LEAVE. OR GET BUSTED COPS will be called! Ty for listening