The Famous Spring Chicken Inn is a great place. It has a home country feel and GREAT FOOD! The new owner is a great guy with high standards and morals. He cares so much about how the customers feel. There is so much behind the scene glitches in the restaurant business. People don't realize this. The Food has always been and always will be top quality. On the other hand now days it is harder to find people who want to work in the restaurant business that have great work ethics... ESPECIALLY in a small town. The service is improving as time goes on. I would like to clarify that if you go in there with a bad attitude YOU WILL GET BAD SERVICE. it is in the attitude of yourselves. Remember that. As for the chicken sandwiches not being available on dinner hours. That customer was misinformed. I can already tell you that customer was a pain in the butt to even wait on. Its not the service that is bad. It is the customers attitude before they get there that is bad. If the customer is in a bad mood they reflect that attitude on their waitress. REMEMBER THAT.