Too many bees not enough buzzing to help! Stopped by once before service was much better last year this time. Large selection, but with questions unanswered due to lack of customer service, why invest my money on plants of interest...... I walked around the nursery looking to change up my landscaping for the fall, but was unsure of the items I wanted (care & upkeep). I know that plants, shrubs, trees, & flowers all require different kinds of attention and wanted to be sure that I was aware of the proper care they all would need. I noticed what looked like employees around but NOT one of them asked if I needed their assistance. I tried to find someone inside but again, one person and they were on the phone the entire time I was in there not even trying to let me know they would assist me soon. All I have to say is, your competition says ""Thank You"" for sending me!
Pros: Found Another Great Nursery
Cons: Hmmmmmmmmmmmm