I am a HAPPY Detour parent and I must say that some of the parents who have posted complaints about the school should be ashamed! You are the same people who cannot be bothered to volunteer for a field trip, read a story for circle time, or even pick up your child on time. When you enter the building, you don't greet the staff; you're waiting for another parent or friend that you know to come moseying down the hall so that you can whine about EVERYTHING!!! Some of the parents are really great, but the few who gossip with the employees, have affairs with the employees, and disrespect these employees are just getting what you give. How about you bring diapers and wipes for your child when the teachers inform you that you child is running low? OH better yet how about you pick up you child on time, fire the nanny and and spend some time with your child? The teachers at Detour have a life outside of the school but if you know that the school closes at 5:30 why come strolling in on your cell phone and not making apologies for the inconvience that you've caused?
Pros: Great staff, field trips around the city, attentive teachers
Cons: Rude parents, non-kid friendly menu, last minute volunteer requests