I went to Best Buy to purchase a new computer. I told the salesperson I had an expensive HP 7410 All-In-One Printer/Scaner/Fax. I even showed him what I had because, I wanted to make sure that the computer I purchased would be compatible. Well, I bought an emachine w/windows vista. When I got it home It wasn't capatible w/my printer so, I called back to Best Buy and I was sent to the geek squad who told me I needed to go to HP and download the windows vista driver. I did that but, the new computer still didn't communicate w/my printer. After numerous hours of talking to both HP and Best Buy....finally a tech at the geek squad told me that I'd have to hire them to come to my house to make it work. I asked if he could walk me thru the process but, he told me it was complicated and that they've had a lot of trouble getting them to work. Now, after all this trouble I find out that it has been known to Best Buy that it isn't easy to make these two systems compatible but, no one told