I decided to have my labrador retriever stay at the Canine Castle & Dog deli. They appeared to be a good deal and their location was more convenient than where I normally boarded my dog.\r
It was a bad decision on my part.\r
All dogs are kept in crates next to and on top of one another. \r
They do go outside on a leash several times a day, but there's no fenced in area for them to run around in. So... limited exercise opportunities.\r
Dogs are only fed 1x per day\r
The owner does not follow care instructions.\r
After one week of being boarded there, my labrador retriever had gained a noticeable amount of weight. He no longer had a noticeable waist. Before boarding, he was at ideal body weight based on vet charts. After boarding, he would be considered overweight by the same chart. I asked questions to determine the cause and found out that the dog had been getting fed 50% more than what we had instructed. I was told "I'm just a feeder and he seemed so happy to get fed". Keep i