We understand that most brides need to see themselves in the dress to see if it flatters their body type. Irina is a master dressmaker and is a graduate from the Moscow school of sewing technology, a 4 year dress in sewing. She has personally made over 1000 dresses. The store sells dresses but also fashion/dress expertise.\r
When someone calls in for a style to see if we have it in the store, a red flag goes up. The sad but harsh reality is we are used by people to try on a dress and then buy it elsewhere, including online. Those online did not buy the sample just provided a picture. There is no dressing room or assistance and therefore their costs are lower. Using us, an independent retailer, to try on dresses and then go elsewhere does not help me feed my kids. It is not smart shopping,it is being a parasite.\r
Therefore, we feel it justified to ask if you plan on buying locally or the internet. Most people don't realize that 90% of the bridal stores are independent ""Mom and Pops"" stores and not like the corporate chain stores that they normally buy clothes at. The reason that Penny's or Macy's don't sell wedding dresses is that it takes a lot of time for a bride to decide and she needs much more information as they are usually a special order item with delivery months out. It is not a self service type of sale. What you see, may not be what you wish to order, as that dress size is made only when you order it.\r
Expertise in ordering a size is critical. All dresses will have a most important measurement to order the dress from the size chart. Some it is the bust, others the waist or hips. Expertise in knowing the most important measurement will mean not only a better fit but also minimize the alterations cost.\r
Irina, as a master dress maker, is the best in the business at suggesting a size. It is always the brides choice. Like any other highly trained and skilled professional her expertize is highly valued and she does not wish to be used or her time abused.
Pros: The owners are on site, great designers, alterations in-house. Plus sizes to try on, Modest styles