Don't get suckered in to buying from this company. Yeah the prices may be great as they often partner w/ realtors but they don't know anythign when it comes to installation. Bougth a washer and dryer from them and had it installed by their ""professional"" installers ""yeah right"". We had not fully moved into our brand new house yet so we spent the night at our apt. and came back the next morning to find that water had been leaking all night and we now have a brand new house ruined. Got the store owner on the phone and he sent out his crew and sure enough the hoses were not properly tightend on the fittings and the leak proof washers were installed backwards in the hoses by Jeffrey's installers. WOW how great to work so hard to buy a brand new house and now have it ruined until the reconstruction company drys everything out and replaces it. All of this is of course being covered by Jeffrey's insurance as it is clearly their fault for not properly installing our washer. Buy from someone like BestBuy who when they installed my fridge connected the water line and then stayed around for about 10 minutes while the unit started up and ran and checked for leaks about 3-4 times. Jeffrey's obviously employs less than desirable so-called ""professionals"" to install their products and I personally will not buy from them again and will make sure that my realtor who is a personal friend of mine is aware of this situation so they may promptly remove Jeffrey's from their reccomended supplier list, and add a company that will properly take the time to install appliances.
Pros: Decent prices on appliances
Cons: Installers have no clue what they are doing