After long waits, I was brought back to a room where other patients were having their vitals and weights checked. I didn't appreciate having all of these things done in front of other patients. Either their ultrasound tech does not know what she is doing or their equipment is ancient because I was constantly being told that my baby's head size was too small and they would refer me to Carolina Perinatal Associates next door to have repeat ultrasounds. They never understood why I was referred there because they confirmed that my baby's head size was within normal limits but they made me have it checked twice. One of the staff members, would retrieve me from the waiting room, not smiling or asking me how I was or anythinjg - simply miserable demeanor and start taking my pressure reading and walk away and then someone else would return to finish it up. One time she brought me into a room and checked the baby's heartbeat and then she left the room without saying a word to me like ""the doctor will be right in with you."" She also would read my chart in front of me and make grunting noises and sighs like she was really studying my chart. It made me feel horrible and worried. The very last straw for me and this place was when I was not gotten back to for over a week with the results of a 24 hour urine collection to screen for toxemia/preclampsia. That is when I decided to go to another practice. I was over 33 weeks pregnant. i knew that I could not have any one of these doctors have any part in delivering my baby.
Pros: Ivy and Tasha
Cons: Too Many to Count