We went there twice this week. The first time to observe the class we were considering, the other time to do a trial class. The classes we saw/participated in were for kids 3-4. Both times, there were a good group of kids, and two teachers. I also saw at the same time there were kids from 4-5 with other teachers. Both times I saw teachers not being able to pay attention to some kids or such, that kids would fall without being noticed. \r
When my son tried the class, one of the teacher were really uninterested. Since it was my son's first class, he didn't yet get the routine and would sometimes not being able to follow all the instructions. If i didn't go over and help him, they seemed ok to just let him be. Towards the end, something came up and no one was in the front or something, one of the teacher left to take care of admin stuff and only left the other to attend to all the children. When they transitioned to the last part of the class where the kids all went to play in