Even though the line was almost out the door, we decided to stick it out for Sunday brunch. When the hostess finally got around to taking people's names, we were 2nd in line. She said we could take a seat at the bar and that she'd let us know when our outside table was ready. We then watched as the couple after us got seated outside. The hostess seemed confused when we asked her what the deal was, but we decided to wait the extra 15 minutes for another table to open up. When we finally sat down at a picnic table under a shedding tree, we ordered and waited at least 30 minutes for our food to come out, again watching other people get served first (and putting up with our waiter's awkward attempt at comedy). After all of that, the food was sub-par to say the least...which was disppointing because of the great things we'd heard about it. After wasting the majority of our Sunday there, it's safe to say that we won't be going back.
Pros: Interesting menu, good location for Brooklynites
Cons: Horrendous service, shedding trees