If I were Mayor of E.C, I would demand that all businesses on Euclid Avenue keep the property free of litter and no loittering in front of the stores. I would place foot patrol officers at the main intersections because they are all hot spots (Lee/Taylor/Noble Roads). As soon as foreclosed properties are repurchased-send a bill for upkeep of property(water).\r
I would form a voluntary citizens beautification team. So many residents have complaints but are they willing to work. Our funds are limited but it doesn't mean our city must look so bad.\r
Make time to visit all the elementary schools in east cleveland - focusing on what it means to help keep their city clean - place litter in its place; regular attendance; do not buy into the snitch mentality; alternatives to gangs.\r
Housing court would be a top priority on my list; make people responsible for their property they will not be so quick to tear it up and will prevent others from destroying.