My grown daughter and I luv this Trailer Park Humored themed park ""TrAsHed TrEaSuRe...The Staff...The Food...The art...The retro treasures to buy...which is a donation to the Animal shelter. The heart and art of This wonderful inspiration...Is simply marvelous! Step outta the box al lil and ask if the owner is there and find out al lil about the hstory and how He Was Inspired...and His Daily struggles in life...stop thinking about your self for a moment and get to know someone with CLASS!!! This is a fun...imperfect, eccletic, excentteriffic, delective, magnificant, mystery meAt or not delight!!! Go deep into your child like mind and step into the Light side of this DaNcE We call Life!!! Show up in your bathrobe...3 piece suit...witches hat.. lamp matters not...Bah Humbug to the lady who left the last review...Bet she was fed on fodder with a silver spoon so far up...her pie hole she probably couldn't see over the hand to taste the food anyway!!!LoL...lighten up lady for while grownin up I heard this sayin bout a piggy... "" there was a fat pig...fedd em on fodder...long come a puffff of wind and blowed him clean up the holler....tee hee hee
Pros: The Whole ShaBang
Cons: No big may have to find a parking place around the corner, it's worth it!