It must be nice to be so entrenched in your subculture that you can afford to be rude to everyone else. Or at least to me. Paid full asking price for a used bike and have been treated like sh*t ever since. The website says to beware of buying a used bike anywhere else. When I called with a problem just a few days after getting the bike home I was asked what did I expect, it was a used bike! I know one girl who rented a truck and drove to Utah to buy a scooter after shopping at Sportique and feeling so insulted by the treatment she received.
My industry went thorough a period like this in the mid-nineties and we had to figure out how to welcome people to our sport without selling out. The growing pains are tough, but in the end it's so great to see someone new enjoying your sport it is all worth it. And the growth can provide new opportunities. Scooters are a perfect answer for the need to reduce gas consumption and a host of other social problems. Too bad these guys are the ambassadors.
Pros: Passionate about scooters
Cons: Seem to dislike eveything else!